Here's How I'll grow your Profitable revenue.
Purposefully. Confidently. Effectively.
From A Proprietary Methodology That Pinpoints Leakage & Growth Opportunities
Particular To Your Funded Start-Up To Mid-Sized Business.
For Small to Mid-Sized Companies
Quickly Turn Declining Revenue into Steady, Profitable Growth.
The root causes of declining or stalled revenue can be within or outside your company. Of course, I’ll determine those causes.
I’ll also pinpoint & prioritize your opportunities to increase revenue. (I often find new revenue sources.)
Be informed & confident: strategies are your specific direction to steady profitable growth.
Expert Advice Tailored to Grow Your Business
Advisory services—informed by your goals & the specifics of your business—to grow and scale your company profitably.
monetize your existing products & services
New Revenue Streams℠ determines new ways to amplify growth from your current products & services, smooth cash flow, and diversify your revenue.
Quickly Reach Steady Revenue Growth
With Optimized Revenue Growth℠, clients understand immediately where to focus and what to do to drive steady, profitable growth.
Executive Team Planning & Alignment
My facilitated sessions unite executive teams to make the most of their combined strengths and contribute productively to grow their companies.
Sustainable Revenue From Your Existing Teams
Sales & Marketing Fusion℠ closes the gap between Sales & Marketing to achieve and maintain annual revenue growth.
A Case Study:
It Seemed Impossible.
A client served one failing industry only.
The board, however, required that they double revenue to a billion dollars within five years.
Then it was Done.
I conceived a data-driven strategy that first stabilized existing revenue. I then projected the revenue that could be derived from targeted industry and global expansion.
Recommendations were prioritized to return the greatest revenue—quickly—and from the least investment.
The board approved the strategy in the room.
And Delivered More Than Expected.
My client achieved their $1 billion revenue goal early: in four years.
As important as hitting the revenue goal, my client was now free of the limitations—and risk—from serving one industry only.
They effectively gained a new business that offered greater value and served a breadth of industries globally.
The reinvigorated company represented greater revenue potential and was far more resilient.
Clients Confirm
“Marina accomplished in three months
what a team from [big six firm]
couldn’t complete in three years.”
– Director
International Fortune 500 Company
We Should Talk.
US Phone: 617.826.9056